

The Hot take of the film

Actions have consequences

Script Development


When I wrote this script, it went through a couple of drafts. I first like to write my story into a word format. Once I have the main points of my story, I translate it into a script format.

I wrote this in a way where it contained not only the story, but exactly the way I imagined. It included special transitions (visual & audio), camera shots, a hint at what type of music would be used (sad, suspenseful or dramatic).

Throughout the drafts I really took note of what worked in my story and what didn’t. Many modifications were made, and I started to colour code the different information that were in there to be more easily readable.


I annotated the script to not forget elements (orange), to point out the important aspects of certain scenes like if they included any transitions or special shots (pink), other notes on the go, and notes that required slow motion meaning the camera settings had to be changed (green).


Story Development


I took great inspiration from Jurassic World for many of the creative shots that included movement.

I was also inspired by a scene from When a Stranger Calls.


This project taught me a lot, especially during the pre-production phase.

I had to create many documents I wasn’t aware of before. I was just making them to help me create this film.


I created it to be organized and especially so that my entire crew and cast knew at a glance what they were doing, or what they are expected to be done. All important information is gathered in that document.

The list of the cast and crew with their roles attached. An overview of the production schedule. A very short description of what the characters are like. Some scenes with particularities. A prop list, a clothing list and a kit list have been made to ensure who is responsible to bring what and to not forget anything. And finally, a list of all the scenes that we have to shoot, this allowed me to work out what to shoot first and last, taking into account the makeup artist, the extras, the access to certain locations. As we weren’t shooting this film in a chronological order.

List of scenes


